
Being an entrepreneur in Ibero-America

General Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB) and Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)

On 16 September the General Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB) presented its report “Being an entrepreneur in Ibero-America” as part of the Project “Strengthening regional integration, entrepreneurship and local governments”.

The research was conducted by SEGIB with the support of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and identifies the key players and support instruments in what it terms “the entrepreneurial eco-system”.

One of the most significant issues addressed in the report is the regulatory dimension of entrepreneurship. The legal framework for entrepreneurial activity differs across Ibero-American countries. So, there are countries with specific regulations, such as Spain, Mexico, Paraguay, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Others have programs designed to encourage entrepreneurial activity and, lastly, countries such as Chile and Mexico that have no specific regulations, although they have done work on encouraging entrepreneurship.

The report maps the instruments supporting entrepreneurship in Ibero-America, that are available for those who intend to create a company or expand it. These tools include not only activities of an economic nature such as a credit facilities, awards or tenders; there are others, such as training, support and advice.

The report closes with a range of opinions and interviews with thought leaders. These experts share their views about entrepreneurship and describe the challenges facing the region, giving an added value to the paper.